Dreaming In the Dark
Alberto Villoldo, PhD speaks from a shaman's perspective.

"There are four levels

through which the healer interacts with their

patient, each with their own language. It’s

helpful to think of these as Russian nesting

dolls in which the higher levels envelop and

inform the lower levels. The physical level of

the body has a chemical/molecular language.

The mind envelops and informs the

body. The mind creates psychosomatic disease

and psychosomatic health, and its language

is words. The mythic, the realm of the

soul if you would, informs the mind and

informs the body, and its language is images,

ceremony, candles, drums, poetry, music.

But not words. And then the most fundamental

level, which we could call the realm

of spirit, has the language of energy. Spirit

informs the soul, or the sacred, which then

informs the mind, which informs the body."

p.143  http://www.thefourwinds.com/pdf/Explore-2008.pdf

more resources from Alberto Villoldo-
2012: Doomsday or the Dawning of a New Age?

1/25/2010 01:02:32 am

I so enjoyed the workshop on Saturday.
AND I resonate with the model of ourselves as nesting dolls. I experience the "levels" as dynamic forces bleeding and shifting into each other. I also like to think of layers as in the layers of a snake. When my old skin doesn't feel right, when I've outgrown an old layer, I can choose to shed and start again.
I love doing shedding and renewing in the community of others. Thanks for that opportunity.

1/25/2010 12:00:07 pm

Yes, I love the imagery of the snake!
Shedding our past, what no longer works, etc. birthing a new skin, birthing who we are now.

I would love to read your fairytale if you feel up to sharing.


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