Dreaming In the Dark
Visual Images and writings from the Saturday Jan. 30/10 session.

the spin   

a way out.
wings disengaged, disemboweled mind shapes.  
rigid lines, barring down into troughs, burrows, trenches 
long out of use. 
they are the way out - 
the soft dander of possibility on the dark canvas of night.  
as with birds outside, 
the owls and night hawks  find their way,   
so you can remember 
what it is to fly.  
what it is to die.  
what it is to fly 
to who you thought you were. 

           valerie moysey  jan. 30, 2010


Metamorphosis Under the Moon, 2010, 28" x 22", 71cm x 56cm, oil pastel on paper.
          by Brenda Clews

Pastel sketch done in Caro Cloutier's Dreaming in the Dark Series on Saturday January 30th. Prosepoem written the next day.


Under the full moon, she mutates.
Her arms, bone twigs become wing feathers.
Red hair flaming in the white light.
A riptide of ocean in our blood pulled to the surface, this night of imaginings.
Moonlight glosses the lake.
The white muse moon pours magic.
Under the full moon we see in the dark, our dreaming eyes open.
Pastel on black paper, my fingers dance.
The women sculpt each other. A creatrix is born.
She is a wild woman. In the circle of wild women. In the wilds, where we transform.
Among the night animals, owl, wolf, jaguar, where our breath roars, whispers, sings, where our visions transform us.

2/21/2010 01:06:15 pm

<table style="width: auto;"><tbody>
<tr><td><a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/brenda.clews/PerigeeMoon#slideshow/5438155381362658466" target="_blank"><img src="http://lh6.ggpht.com/_2TM6Y5one8A/S3g1gbuADKI/AAAAAAAAGvQ/tT4sEhzd8Rg/s400/BrendaClews-MetamorphosesUnderTheMoon-Poem-WEB.jpg" /></a></td></tr>
<tr><td style="font-family: arial,sans-serif; font-size: 11px; text-align: right;">From <a href="http://picasaweb.google.com/brenda.clews/PerigeeMoon?feat=embedwebsite" target="_blank">Perigee Moon</a></td></tr>

<span style="font-size: x-small;"><i>Metamorphosis Under the Moon</i>, 2010, 28" x 22", 71cm x 56cm, oil pastel, oil paint pen on paper. Click image for larger.</span>

<b>Perigee Moon</b>

Under the full moon,
she mutates.

Her arms, bone
twigs become wing feathers.

Red hair flaming in the white light.

A riptide of ocean
in our blood
pulls to the surface,
this night of imaginings.

Moonlight glosses the lake.

The white muse moon pours magic.

Under the full moon we see
in the dark, our dreaming eyes open.

Pastel on black paper, my fingers dance.

The women sculpt each other.

A creatrix is born.

She is a wild woman.
In the circle of wild women.
In the wilds, where we transform.

Among the night animals,
owl, wolf, jaguar,
where our breath roars,
whispers, sings,
where our visions
transform us.

<div class="separator" style="clear: both; text-align: left;">
Pastel sketch done in <a href="http://www.carocloutier.com/" target="_blank">Caro Cloutier's</a> <a href="http://dreaminginthedark.weebly.com/" style="color: #674ea7;" target="_blank">Dreaming in the Dark Series</a> yesterday afternoon, January 30th. Poem written today. The perigee moon this year was very bright; we saw it under clear skies.

<span class="TSrHSb"><span class="ze">February 14th, update: Last night I wrote the poem on the pastel with a Sharpie paint pen that malfunctioned - splats! and so dipped the pen into deliberate splats on another sheet of paper and wrote the poem. Oddly, the words seem scratched on with a feather, perhaps dipped in a splat of white moonlight... :)</span></span>

12/12/2010 09:10:23 am

Realmente me gusta. Gracias por compartir con nosotros. *

2/21/2011 09:11:20 am

your website is so great that i love it very much. thank you for sharing it with us.


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